I had always suspected it, often had individual examples, and was even lucky enough to observe the occasional group specimen, but really, after only a few shifts as bird behind the bar, this bird has now gained conclusive proof. Not only do men never grow up, (that would be the least of it) but they are stuck in a timewarp of their own unending blend of self righteous megalomania and an obsession with UFO's (Unruly Female Orifices).
Fat ol' boy: “Now when you go home tonight, you gonna give your boyfriend a good ham sand-witch then?”, to which I told him with word and with eye to never address me with such vileness again.
The funny thing was, when I moved away, I am sure his cronies huddled around him and explained to him that I'm “one o' them”....... which particular “one o' them” he was refering to I'm not so sure, as they seem to have plenty to choose from...
I've felt on the edge of a rant for the last half of my shift (just the edge? Admire the restraint and worship at my temple of forbearance, oh feeble mortals). For the first half of the shift I was the only one in the pub, and sat with me guitar for some of the time. In fact....if there's cameras in the office (which I'm sure there is ) then the landlord will have espied me on occasion entering the office and doing a few shaky handed, kicks and spiky bends to shake off the bad small minded turgid cesspool mingingness that was massing on t'other side of the bar. One of them soon started on ““the mooslims” all of em..this 'ere now is a mooslim country..they got it all now....and they dont like the smell of what I cook...etc etc etc blah blah blah..”
I dont think I will stay very long at this job...i did not voice my opinion there and then, life sometimes seems a little short to challenge every small minded tosser, otherwise I wouldn't even make it as far as the bathroom. But if I had let it out I don't think I would have stopped ........ for a very long time. Probably for as long a time as the U.K. has been inflicting uncontrolled damage, pillaging all and sundry and setting peaceful people against each other , as long as men have used their inability to control their putrid desires as an excuse for pitiable immature behaviour, as long as the sky has faced the firmament, as long as.......................
racist mysogynistic cloaca's (look it up in a dictionary) inhabit this blue and peaceful planet with …....,... all of them.