Tuesday 9 November 2010

Such insight...

Three of the regular semi-retired wise monkeys come into the bar (spout-no-bollocks, hear-no-bollocks and has-no-money-to-buy-a-pint-but-always-turns-up-every-afternoon-anyway), order a couple of pints and a double vodka and coke (breakfast discount not currently offered here). As regular saturday-at-dawn clay pidgeon shooters, they sat and indulged in customary mindless banter about the events of the morning, (luckily no fluffy bunnies for them), when two minutes in, the comedy genius of these pillars of society revealed itself.....

“God said to Adam (one of the regulars at the pub, I think) ,

“Where's Eve?”

He said,

“She went down to the river to wash her fanny.”

“Damn, said God,

“Now I'll never get the smell out of the fish”.

Someone should inform them of the dangers of thrush and other minor but irritating STD's, I mean if this bird's bird smelt of mackerel I'd be suggesting a trip to the GUM clinic, really.

(Would you Adam and Eve it, to this bird's shock and surprise she has just discovered this isn't even an original joke – it's the first on the search engine's list. Imagine, such genius across the known world!)

This bird had a bit of a religious epiphany herself. Or was it just the sudden impact of realisation that actually, blokes, men...never ever grow up. Three three wise men littered their conversation with repeated insinuations of oral sex fantasies as soon as they see a woman at work. Of course, I was only on my knees for their titillation, nothing to do with hard graft, and obviously cleaning shelves is equal to miming multiple sexual positions......... now I understand!

Then one worldly wise and tolerant friend to the fluffy bunny (maybe) spouted... “him and him, they're gay like, but they more like friends...that's what it is to be gay innit, just like friends...i know about it like...” such wisdom I am eternally grateful for.

In this humble birds considered opinion, is it possible they may be stuck in an eternal limbo of mysogynistic racist homophobic rant of shit wankerness..., or is it just me?

And breathe .................

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